The disaster that was my first live workshop

Hey Reader,

A few months ago, I shared an episode on the show about selling templates. As part of that endeavor I decided to do a live workshop.

The plan was to:

  • Create a workshop that people could attend for free
  • Share it on a related blog post, alongside the templates
  • Share it over a few weeks on social media and with my lists
  • Hold the workshop and get questions live
  • Have the replay available for free for a week for people who registered
  • Sell access to the recording after

Sounds like a decent plan, right?

Well... it was mostly a disaster. Here's what actually happened:

  • I created the workshop and publicized it
  • 61 people visited the page and 8 people signed up (for reference, about 585 people visited the blog post)
  • One person attended the workshop
  • It was great, but it was so customized to their situation that I couldn't use the recording
  • After we got off the call, I recorded the workshop by myself and got it ready to share
  • I accidentally sent it to the entire list (of 40) instead of just the people who registered
  • 55% opened and the video got 10 views
  • No one responded to the email or the video
  • I haven't put up the recording for sale


The reason I'm sharing this story is to illustrate that sometimes a great-sounding plan doesn't quite work out how you think it will. I could throw in the towel and say I'll never do another workshop, or I could brainstorm a few ways to make next time more successful.

Remember, this is all just a big experiment. Consider the advice you get in these emails and from the podcast, pick out what you think might work for you and give it a try.

What are you trying this month? Reply and let me know! I read and respond to every email. (And if you have any thoughts about how I can make future workshops easier or better, I'm all ears πŸ˜†)



P.S. When you're ready, here's how I can support you πŸ‘‰

  • ​30-minute strategy session to get clarity on the first (or any) steps to your digital product
  • ​1:1 support to create, launch and market your first (or next) digital product


Scenic Route Digital

Are you an established service provider who wants an additional income stream, to grow your impact without increasing 1:1 work or to experience more time freedom? If that's you, sign up to get bi-monthly emails on how you can create, launch and market digital products.

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